Monday 19 October 2009

The results from my questionnaire tell me that most people prefer rock music than any other type of music, so my magazine is based on rock music mainly. The magazine also includes other types of music to attract more people. I also found out that people are attracted to a magazine by the layout and colour as well as the information on the front cover. So my front cover needs to be layed out correctly and with the right colours to make people buy it.
This is the front cover of popular music magazine NME. This magazine uses simple formats however they are affective. The magazine uses three main colours - white, yellow and red. These colours look really affective together. There are three main fonts on the front cover of the magazine. There is a medium close up shot of the main picture of 'The Automatic'.

This is the front cover of popular music magazine Kerrang. The colours used on the magazine cover attract people to buy the magazine. These colours that they have used are to attract women because they are stereotypical. There are four main colours used on the front cover and this gives it a lively feel to the magazine. There are two main fonts on the magazine and the reason is to keep it simple for the readers. There are many pictures on the front of the magazine to add to the information on the front. It also tells the readers what they can expect in the magazine.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

This is my first draft of the front cover of my magazine. It is very basic and it can be easily changed for future corrections

Monday 12 October 2009

This pie chart shows what type of music is the most popular

This pie chart shows what attracts people to buy a magazine

This shows how often people buy a magazine.

This pie chart shows how much the majority would pay for a magazine.

This is a pie chart showing which type of magazine is the best
I am now creating a music magazine and this time it is in more depth than the school magazine. Firstl before i create my magazine i need to make a survey to see which type of magazine is the most popular towards people. For that i had to create a questionnaire. This enabled me to see what is the most important features to a magazine.

1 What type of magazine do you tend to buy?
q Country
q Rock
q Pop
q R’n’B
q Other-………………………..

2 How much would you pay for a magazine?
q £1-2
q £2-3
q £3 or more

3 How often do you buy a magazine?
q Everyday
q 2-3 times a week
q Once a week
q Once a month

4 What attracts you to buy a magazine?
q Colour
q Design
q Type
q Pictures
q Other-………………………….

5 What type of music do you tend to listen to?
q Country
q Rock
q Pop
q R’n’B
q Other-………………………….
6 Who is your favourite band?………………………………………………..
7 What kind of stories catches your attention if you were looking at a front cover?………………………………………………..
8 When looking at a magazine do you tend to look for extras that come with a magazine?…………………………………………………